Andrew Hammond:What other schools did you have in mind other than KSU and Oregon?
Chris Harper:I had Missouri, Illinios and Notre Dame on my list.
AH:Do you feel like Kansas St. betrayed you?
CH:There was nothing they could do about it, Coach [James] Franklin has famliy in Maryland so he was doing what was best for him.
AH:Did you consider Maryland?
CH:Yeah, I though about it but I decided not to go after it.
AH:What made Oregon so intresting?
CH:The Offense, I like the version of the Spread Offense how it's very balanced
AH:What was a key factor in your decision
CH:Coaching and QB tradition, they have a very strong tradition there. The last seven starting QB's have all played in the NFL at some time and Coach [Chip] Kelly is a real cool and I like what he was doing with Dennis Dixon last season
AH:What places are you looking forward to in the Pac 10 on the road?
CH:I'm looking forward to UCLA, its the Rose Bowl. Also, I'm wanting to go to USC and Arizona St.
AH:At one point Notre Dame was serious about you, what were your impressions of ND?
CH:The campus is really nice and I like Coach Weis, but it was just too small.