Andrew Hammond:What other schools did you have in mind other than KSU and Oregon?
Chris Harper:I had Missouri, Illinios and Notre Dame on my list.
AH:Do you feel like Kansas St. betrayed you?
CH:There was nothing they could do about it, Coach [James] Franklin has famliy in Maryland so he was doing what was best for him.
AH:Did you consider Maryland?
CH:Yeah, I though about it but I decided not to go after it.
AH:What made Oregon so intresting?
CH:The Offense, I like the version of the Spread Offense how it's very balanced
AH:What was a key factor in your decision
CH:Coaching and QB tradition, they have a very strong tradition there. The last seven starting QB's have all played in the NFL at some time and Coach [Chip] Kelly is a real cool and I like what he was doing with Dennis Dixon last season
AH:What places are you looking forward to in the Pac 10 on the road?
CH:I'm looking forward to UCLA, its the Rose Bowl. Also, I'm wanting to go to USC and Arizona St.
AH:At one point Notre Dame was serious about you, what were your impressions of ND?
CH:The campus is really nice and I like Coach Weis, but it was just too small.
Hey there Chris. Glad that you chose the UO for your college experience. You will have a great time--and win some games, too. Welcome to the West Coast/Best Coast.
Get used to that ringin in your ears for the next four or five years!!! Autzen is second to none. At the USC game we broke the CFB record for decibels recorded in a CFB game. The experts say it was louder than one of those new Jumbo Airbuses taking off! That and the Michigan game in 03 were as loud as I've heard it in 15 yrs of season tickets. 127.7 Decibels!
We are very happy to have such a dynamic player excited about coming to play QB here. The competition should be fierce and will only make you better Chris. Welcome to the Pac!
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